Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday Morning - Buttermilk Waffles

I think the boys were going to stage a coup if they had to have cereal for breakfast again (I've been sick and out of commission).

I've been wanting to make from-scratch waffles for a while so I decided to give it a try.  I used this recipe Rich Buttermilk Waffles and followed it to a T...except the batter seemed too thick at the end, so I added a couple more tablespoons of buttermilk.  I bought some nice, organic Bulgarian buttermilk.  Bulgarian buttermilk is thicker, creamier, fattier, and more tart than normal buttermilk.  My guys have an allergy to milk processing, so they tend to do better with full-fat versions of milk products instead of skim.  Reading about Bulgarian buttermilk today leaves me confused as to whether it is less-processed or more...because they might actually remove the cream and then add it back in.  I'll have to do some more research.

These are not at all low-calorie.  So, we had a late breakfast and skipped lunch.  I think that's alright on a Sunday.  (I'm not going to talk about dinner.  I started to feel sick again and we purchased atrocious food.  What do you do when you get tired after cooking one meal?  Ugh...)

The recipe is awesome and I highly recommend it.  I'll definitely use it again.  The boys said they were delicious.  "Best waffles ever!" 

I forced one of the boys to be my kitchen helper and showed him each step.  He learned how to crack an egg and was pretty proud of himself.  No shells in the batter!  He's promised to make me waffles for Mother's Day.  I better not let him forget.

Anway...mmmm....waffles.  This was my waffle with organic meyer lemon marmalade on top.

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